Local Auto Locksmith in Colchester, Ipswich and the surrounding areas
Lost your car keys in Colchester, Ipswich, Clacton-on-Sea or Witham? Call Auto-Locks for a prompt replacement car key service within the Essex and Suffolk areas.
We run a fully mobile key cutting service and are always ready to help when you need it most. Whether you’ve locked keys in the car or misplaced them completely, we are on hand to help you gain entry to your vehicle, and provide replacement keys complete with chips or transponders.

Car key cutting services in Colchester, Ipswich, Clacton-on-Sea and the surrounding areas
From spare key cutting and lost car key replacement to van keys and deadlocks, we offer an efficient service at a very competitive price.
We operate a fully mobile locksmith service so we are able replace or cut your car keys on site, and you can be on your way, without any expensive recovery costs.
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